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Direction - Writing - cinematography - editing, China-Italy,12', 2019

Co-writing and executive production by Xiao Mingxuao

One of the most famous Chongqinq's tipical meal is Hotpot, a boiling pot with spicy sauces and lot of meat, vegetables and fishes. Jiatongo teahouse is like an hotpot. It's a place where a huge variety of people go to drink tea and be themselves. A human jungle, an hymn to life. This film, awarded with the first prize at the 2019 Golden Lenses Awards is a short journey on a tipical day at jiaotong teahouse.

Le sale da tè sono delle riproduzioni in miniatura della società cinese. L'hot pot, piatto tipico del sud della cina, è un pentolone pieno di acqua e spezie in cui ribollono carne, pesce e verdure. Jiaotong, la più antica sala da tè della città di Chongqing, è come un hot pot: ogni giorno una variopinta moltitudine di persone affolla i suoi tavoli per bere tè, giocare a mahjong e chiacchierare. Jiaotong teahouse è un viaggio in un suo tipico giorno di routine.

Il Mio Nuovo Canale
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From left to right, Mr Lee and Xiao Mingxua during the filming
Filming the production of a videoclip with the moldavia actress Gabriela Cojocaru
Filming people playing chinese chess
Xiao Mingxuao and Andrea Vallero filming and old man drawing
Xiao Mingxuao and Andrea Vallero at "Jiaotong Teahouse" premiere
Xiao Mingxuao and Andrea Vallr on the stage for "Jiaotng Teahouse" premier
The Chongqing group of Looking China 2019
Group phot at our favourite noodles' restaurant
Andrea Valler and Xu Shuai
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